Thursday 19 May 2011

Newbie Suggest Hero

crystal maiden was an elegant hero to begin with. for a newbie this hero operate a very useful skills.
The frost nova is a nuke for her that are very good at giving damage and provide slow for the opponent.
the frostbite gave a disabling to enemy from moving and provide certain damage to the opponent per second.
it is an also a good skill for killing an opponent or escape from certain situation. her 3rd skill which
is brilliance aura was the also important to provide her mana for regenerate. this is because the 
Crystal Maiden is an intelligence hero which need high amount of mana to do her part in battle. Her ulti 
was a very good move to end a battle with which provide high damage to entire area ending a battle with
Killing blow that can actually gave her RAMPAGE. try to make an aghanime scepter. the damage plus higher
for 4 second which is 1 of the most deadliest Ultimate in DoTA.

shadow shaman a hero that are suitable with the beginner. has a nuke damage of shackle shock which is nice for spamming and harassing the opponent hero with damage of 300. The speciality of this hero are having 2 disable skill that last for 3 and 4 second which is nice to get a killing. the 2nd skill which voodoo the opponent into a chicken which can last 3.25 second. this skill is good because the opponent cant attack anyone while he in the voodoo state and he also are disable to use skill, it is perfect to gang bang the opponent. The 3rd skill of Shadow Shaman is provided a net to catch hero with is a perfect disable to enemy hero because the hero get certain damage and also cant do anything in 4 second. his ulti is just summoning a mass of serpent ward which can give a massive damage to the opponent. it work well with the 3rd skill of him which is net. try to give him aghanime , there are no way to run for the disable one.

Zeus is a very highly damage supply hero in the beginning and the ending of a game. the chain of lightning is a good skill for spamming because of the mana use is not so high. the 2nd skill of Zeus gave him speciality to make a super ultra nuke attack with 350 damage in a very short time because the skill cool down is very fast if compare to the other hero. the 3rd skill of him gave a tank hero of opponent to fear him the most, because every time he spam a skill the opponent loss his life through his life by 
percentage of the static field. his ulti was the most annoying in every game. every visible player of opponent get strike by a lightning give about 450 damage. suitable to ks and take a last hit on hero. also need aghanime to gave a better perfection.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Dota Fav. Hero

Defend of The Ancient or most likely known as DoTA which is very popular nowadays . This is also 1 of  my favourite game. The objective of the scenario is for each team to destroy the opponents' Ancients, heavily guarded structures at opposing corners of the map. Players use powerful units known as heroes, and are assisted by allied heroes and AI (Artificial Intelligence) -controlled fighters called "creeps". As in role-playing games, players level up their heroes and use gold to buy equipment during the mission.Each human player controls one Hero, a powerful unit with unique abilities. In DotA, players on each side choose one of 104 heroes, each with different abilities and tactical advantages over other heroes. The scenario is highly team-oriented; it is difficult for one player to carry the team to victory alone. Defense of the Ancients allows up to ten players in a five-versus-five format and an additional two slots for referees or observers, often with an equal number of players on each side.

My favourite hero of All Times

Pudge =A powerful hero who is the malevolent force behind a giant pile of corpses. With each kill, Pudge grows stronger... and he can throw a mighty hook which can drag anyone else towards him. This butcher is a feared DoTA  hero in a skilled player's hands. 

      Dark Seer = Thought by some to be among the most cunning and manipulative among the Scourge's varied champions, the dark seer Ish'kafel, living in exile from his people, is also the most secretive, for he speaks to no one but the Lich King himself. His unconventional talents, which lie in augmenting himself and allies with a variety of both defensive and offensive supportive castings, are quite unusual and versatile, often capable of turning the tide of battle before it even starts

        Tinker  = Boush has been educated in the most advanced goblin technology. These mechanical systems allow him to damage his enemies from a distance, while keeping himself relatively safe. He can also upgrade his systems to allow his weapons to fire quickly. A true demonstration of the power of knowledge.

  Necrolyte = Slain for sins of heresy by men who declared themselves holy, death only gifted Rotund'Jere with an immense wrath for the living, that he can express by sending evil spirits at his foes. Taking pleasure and growing more powerful every time a living thing dies by his hands, each step of his reeks of death, and his very presence makes living things rot and wither. Now a master of torture and pain, the Necrolyte mercilessly slays any weaklings who might cross his path, always with a nasty smile on his dead face